Snacking Weird: Peanut Butter Bacon Ice Cream at the Manhattan Beach Creamery

After the wander through the Manhattan Beach Farmer’s Market in California, my aunt and I rambled down to the beachfront and then back up again another one of those streets. That’s where we saw this inviting little beast:



Remembering that all we had eaten so far for dessert was fruit (UGH, TOO HEALTHY), we went in. T’was like a miniature Willy Wonka factory of ice cream concoctions, including things like frosted bananas and ice cream cookies.



And one day, should I live around Manhattan Beach (oh, to be able to afford Manhattan Beach!), I will no doubt try them all. In the meantime, my aunt and I focused on the main event and the craziness on offer there.


My aunt had a two-scoop of the Sticky Bun Crunch – delicious as it sounds, but not particularly surprising – and the Jalapeno Raspberry – surprising as it sounds, but not particularly delicious.



Which is why I reserved the title for my pick, which was both surprising and delicious: The Peanut Butter Bacon.



Do you see those little red dots? They are little bacon bits, and they’re interspersed inside an ultra-creamy peanut buttery dome. So what do salty lil’ bacon bits do when they’re combined with peanut butter? They do this thing where they confuse your tongue and cause it to tingle, akin to sucking on those fizzle candies you remember from your childhood – the ones that you weren’t supposed to drink with coke because they’d cause your insides to explode. It was weird, but also oddly comforting.

I give it a 8.

Because, unfortunately, the cone was stale. I mean, yes, I probably should have gone for waffle, but that’s still no excuse for having stale cheaper cones.

Manhattan Beach Creamery //  1120 Manhattan Ave, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 // Telephone: +1 310-372-1155


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